For new supplemental materials for Celebrating Families!™
(408) 665-4918
Continuing to respond to community and organization requests Prevention Partnership International, Program Developers of Celebrating Families!™, has developed the additional materials. (See below.) We are currently seeking sites to pilot these materials with evaluation. The components of piloting the supplemental materials are:
Training: Length dependent on previous involvement with CF! Funding to be determined.
Curriculum: Provided electronically at no charge. A copy of the final curriculum will be provided to pilot sites at no charge.
Fidelity Checks: Required. Checklist provided by PPI.
Evaluation & Feedback: Required. Pre/Post instruments and analysis of data provided by PPI and Dr. Ed Cohen, San Jose State University.
Program Finalization: Provided by PPI in response to evaluation, fidelity, and group leader feedback.
Publication: By PPI consistent with existing Celebrating Families!™ curriculums.
For Families with Adolescents
Celebrating Families!™ for Adolescents: Target population for this supplement is adolescents dealing with behavioral health concerns (substance use/abuse, mental health and wellbeing) and their families (their own children, parents, and siblings). The program’s objectives are to increase (1) Use of healthy living skills; (2) Resiliency factors in participants’ lives while decreasing risk factors and ameliorating adverse childhood experiences; (3) Family organization and cohesion, positive parent/child interactions; and (4) Rate of successful completion of school and Drug Court. Preliminary evaluation of the pilot with adolescents only (no parent involvement) indicated statistically significant (p < .001) improvement, with an effect size of 1.76 (considered to be a very high). The Adolescent Supplement includes information on bullying; adolescent development, brain development; the impact of alcohol, marijuana and other drugs on teens’ brains and bodies; strategies to address mental health challenges; and risk factors of addiction. A chart of skills and information taught and a session matrix are available upon request.
For Families with Young Children
CF! 0-3 Parent Strengthening Lessons: Sixteen lessons focused on “Critical Parenting Skills”, providing opportunities to learn and practice art/crafts, songs, and stories, developed for parents in residential treatment to be offered in conjunction with the 0-3 Supplement. Lessons do not contain educational materials from the 0-3 Supplement (i.e. nutrition, healthy living, addiction and its impact on the family).
Intersession Lessons: Intersessions were specifically requested by facilitators for clients who lack confidence and experience, specifically involving positive discipline and child development. They consist of a set of eight (8) lessons for parents developed for agencies taking a break between CF! cycles.
Tips for Parenting in Recovery – Early Childhood: 6 booklets for parents supporting teaching of the “Critical Parenting Skills." Topics include: How to Strengthen Attachment, How to Communicate with Young Children, How to Help Children Express Their Feelings, How to Discipline with Love & Respect, How to Show My Love and How to Play With Young Children.
Essential Information and Parenting Skills for Agency Staff & Volunteers: Booklet covering basic information and parenting skills taught in the CF! 0-3 Supplement. Created at the request of leadership in residential settings for staff and volunteers who work with participants but have not been involved in teaching CF! so they could provide modeling and guidance of these new skills throughout the day and week. Training is also available.