Social Networking - What goes online, stays online -- forever!
Check social networking pages to make sure there is no identifying information that can endanger you or your teens/children.
Know teen’s and children’s passwords.
Monitor their cell phone use (texting, pictures and apps).
Require online use in to be open area where you can monitor.
Connect only with people you know in real life.
Never provide personal information to someone via social media.
Do not share passwords or personal account information.
Check privacy settings.
Manually switch profile to private mode.
Turn off location tagging so no one knows your whereabouts.
Basic Safety
Lock up alcohol, medications, marijuana, marijuana edibles, drugs, guns, and other potential hazards such as cleaning agents.
Do not drive under the influence of any substance.
Be sure at celebrations to have a designated nonuser able to respond to emergencies, especially if younger children are present. Events for children should be alcohol/drug free.
Set clear rules about teen/children’s use.
If hosting a party for teens/children, keep it in an easily monitored area. Make regular unobtrusive checks. If your teen is attending a party, check in with parents beforehand.
Keep track of and dispose safely of “sharps” (razors, exacto-knives, syringes). Do not share needles.
If teen is sexually active, participant only in consensual and protected sex.
Talk about bullying.
Encourage teen/child to tell you if they witness or are the victim.
Monitor online activities and people teen/child interacts with.